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Sunday 4 February 2018

Computer Fundamental MCQ set 7

Information Technology – National Institute of Oriented School


1. IBM 7000 digital computer
a. Belongs to second generation b. Uses VLSI
c. EMPLOYS SEMICONDUCTOR MEMORY d. Has modular constructions

2. The proper definition of a modern digital computer is
a. An electronic automated machine that can solve problems involving words and numbers
b. A more sophistic and modified electronic pocket calculator
c. Any machine that can perform mathematical operations d. A MACHINE THAT WORKS On Binary Code

3. A modern electronic computer is a machine that is meant for
a. Doing quick mathematical calculations b. INPUT, STORAGE, MANIPULATION AND Outputting Of Data
c. Electronic data processing d. Performing repetitive tasks accurately

4. An integrated circuit is
a. A complicated circuit b. An integrating device
c. Much costlier than a single transistor d. FABRICATED ON A TINY SILICON CHIP

5. Most important advantage of an IC is its
a. Easy replacement in case of circuit failure b. EXTREMELY HIGH RELIABILITY c. Reduced cost
d. Lower power consumption

6. In a punched card system, data is processed by a
a. Keypunch machine, sorter and posting machine b. Accounting machine, posting machine, and billing machine c. Sorter, posting machine, and billing machine  d. ACCOUNTING MACHINE, KEYPUNCH MACHINE AND SORTER

7. The first machine to successfully perform a long series of arithmetic and logical operations was;
a. ENIAC b. MARK I c. Analytic engine d. UNIVAC-I

8. In the third generation of computers:
a. Distributed data processing first became popular b. An operating system was first developed
c. High-level prcedu7ral languages were firs used d. ON-LINE, REAL TIME SYSTEMS FIRST BECAME POPULAR

9. A characteristic of card systems is:
a. Slowness in processing data b. Using cards as records of transactions c. Needing a larger DP staff

10. An IBM system/38 represents the computer class of:
A. SMALL-SCALE COMPUTER b. Medium-scale computer c. Large-scale computer d. Super computer

11. The first firm to mass- market a microcomputer as a personal computer was
a. IBM b. Sperry Univac c. DATA GENERAL CORPORATION d. Radio Shack

12. A digital computer did not score over an analog computer in terms of
a. Speed b. ACCURACY c. Cost d. Memory

13. In 1830, Charles Babbage designed a machine called the Analytical Engine which he showed at the Paris Exhibition. In which year was it exhibition?
a. 1820 b. 1860 c. 1855 d. 1870

14. Which was the world’s first minicomputer and when was it introduced?
a. PDP-I, 1958 b. IBM System/36, 1960 c. PDP-II, 1961 d. VAX 11/780, 1962

15. Where was India’s first computer installed and when?
a. Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, 1977 b. Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, 1971
c. Indian Iron & Steel Co. Ltd., 1968 d. INDIAN STATISTICAL INSTITUTE, CALCUTTA, 1955
16. Which of the following are the two main components of the CPU?
a. Control unit and registers b. Registers and main memory

17. Which of the following is true?
a. Fields are composed of bytes b. Records are composed of fields
c. Fields are composed of characters d. ALL OF ABOVE

18. Which of the following file organization is most efficient for a file with a high degree of file activity?
a. SEQUENTIAL b. ISAM c. VSAM d. B-Tree Index

19. The two basic types of record-access methods are
a. SEQUENTIAL AND RANDOM b. Sequential and indexed c. Direct and immediate d. On-line and real time

20. The advantage of COM are its … and …

a. Compact size; speed readability b. COMPACT SIZE, SPEED c. Readability; speed d. Low cost; readability

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